Saturday, August 25, 2012

One Smart Cookie

So, I'm a crafty person (I always have been), but I'm also a lazy person. The latter oftentimes prevents me from the former. But with my oldest starting preschool (insert choked sob) on Monday, I wanted to do something special with ehr before she went. Besides that, she's been very back-and-forth between being excited to go and scared to death to go, and I figured if she had something she was excited to bring for her teacher it would help keep her more on the excited side. SO! I looked up on pinterest all sorts of teacher appreciation gifts and I found this one. I thought "boy that's really cute, but I don't have (nor know where to find) any mason jars, and I would do the tag differently". So I went to the dollar store to see what I could find as inspiration. I also wondered if her teacher would accept homemade gifts (as my husband is a teacher, and doesn't eat things his kids bring unless it's sealed and store-bought....then again he is in a Title 1 school), so I asked her and she said "certainly" and that she had no food allergies. SCORE! Another step to the process that Chloe could help with. So I went back to pinterest and found a very tasty recipe for cookies, and I happened to have all the ingredients on-hand! DOUBLE SCORE! So here's what we did:

First we made the cookies

I had her help with measuring and pouring and mixing....we had a slight mishap when she tried to crack the eggs and literally just crushed it in her hand :) 
She also helped with the scooping and tasting. 

This finished cookies (it made almost 7 dozen!!)

So then we took a break for lunch and a nap, and while the girls were sleeping I designed my own version of the label I saw on the other lady's website:

Pretty cute, no?? I printed it on regular paper, cut it out with fancy scissors, then gluead it to some brown cardstock I had left-over from another project.

Then after she woke up and played outside for a bit, she counted out 12 cookies and wrapped them up in plastic wrap

Then we wrapped that up in some tissue paper

She was very proud of our finished reult

As you can see, I ended up finding this really cute plastic chinese-take-out type box at the dollar store.

And there you have it folks! Let's just say I think it worked....when we were done she asked about 50 times if she could go to preschool today :)     (score!)

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